Christmas, Christmas Tiiiime is here!

We’re baaaaack. Did you miss me? Say yes. I need to know you missed me and my little food.

I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving. My family did. We ran a 5K early in the morning and the weather was just gorgeous. We ate dinner with my husband’s family this year. It was just wonderful. And now we’re back in the school groove, with the first of only eight school days left in the year. I can’t even. It’s all going by so quickly. I can’t wait for winter break, where I get to have both my babies home with me!

Here is the lunch I packed for my Bigs for tomorrow:


I know what you’re thinking…that this Santa looks a little dead behind the eyes. I’d like to adjust your thoughts on him. Think of him as more Avant Garde Santa. He don’t need no lips, nose, or beard. He rocks just the hat and eyes. That’s art.


Anywho. In addition to Dead Behind the Eyes Santa PB&J, I also packed assorted raisins, assorted grapes, a few cheddar rice cakes, applesauce, a Trader Joe’s cranberry bar (cut up), and a few red, white, and green chocolate covered sunflower seeds for dessert.

Here’s to my “art” and Bigs’ lunches looking less freaky deaky in the next few days,
