Happy Halloween Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


Welp. This about wraps up October, can you believe it?! For their final Halloweeny lunches, I packed spider web shaped sunbutter and apple butter sandwiches. I stuck plastic spider rings in them and used Food Writers to add webby details. I also packed raisins (for Bigs), seasoned corn, dried cranberries, green grapes, snap pea crisps, Trader Joe’s mini pumpkin pies, and a few black and orange chocolate covered sunflower seeds. I used Halloween cupcake picks and rings to decorate.

And since I am blessed to be the Co-op Parent Helper in my Smalls’ classroom tomorrow, I packed myself a lunch.


For me, I packed smoked gouda chunks, Trader Joe’s pumpkin and cranberry crackers, Boar’s Head salami, green grapes, cucumbers, and a mini pumpkin pie.



Ghost Pita Kindergarten School Lunch


For my Bigs’ lunch today, I packed a ham, cheese, and mayo pita. I also packed pretzel goldfish, green grapes, and a cut up Little Debbie Pumpkin Delight. I used a ghost pick in the pita, a zombie hand in the pretzels, and a ghost ring in the grapes.



Lunch Catch Up

These weeks, you guys. Oh bless me. They’ve been challenging. I haven’t been on top of my daily lunch game, but I’ve been able to do a few. So here they are. In all their “glory”.


Sunbutter and jam (or ham and cheese, I just can’t remember!!) on hamburger buns, popcorn, green grapes, raisins, and a Twix bar.


Another Lunchable – ham, colby jack cheese, Ritz crackers, green grapes, pears, and a cut up Star Crunch.


Another hamburger bun with some kind of filling ( 🙂 ), green grapes, popcorn, and a “New York Peppermint Patty”, as my boys call them.


And for tomorrow’s lunches – mini pancakes and apple butter sandwiches, cubed cheese, rolled up ham, green grapes, and a few little chunks of Trader Joe’s pumpkin Pop Tarts.


Have a great week!


Jack-o-lantern Themed Kindergarten School Lunch


For yesterday’s lunch, I made a sunbutter and jam jack-o-lantern sandwich. I cut out eyes, a mouth, and a little nose, and added some color with my Food Writers. I also packed colby jack cheese, cheddar sandwich crackers, grapes, a teeny piece of homemade pumpkin pie and one little candy corn. I decorated with a spider ring, a ghost ring, and a little grody rubber rat.


Owl Themed Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches (and a Blogiversary!)

Today is my 2nd blog anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been two years already. It’s been such a HOOT.

To celebrate, here are two cute, little owl lunches:


I made owl shaped pumpkin cream cheese sandwiches. I added googly eyes and used my Food Writers to add wings, beaks, and little owl toes (claws?). I also packed dried cranberries, cheddar sandwich crackers, homemade cinnamon applesauce, and a [partially eaten, shhhh] Little Debbie Star Crunch.



Homemade Lunchables Kindergarten School Lunch (again!)


I made a homemade Lunchable(s) for tomorrow’s school lunch. I packed plain graham crackers, sliced colby jack cheese, sliced and rolled ham, dried cranberries, pickles, homemade cinnamon applesauce, and a cut up Little Debbie Star Crunch. And just in case you’re wondering…yes, I eat a teeny portion of that Star Crunch each time I cut it.


Sheep Themed Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


Since both of my boys are still learning about farms and farm animals, I made sheep sandwiches for them. They are sheep shaped (say that a few times!) sunbutter and apple jelly sandwiches, detailed with Food Writers. I also packed popcorn (I thought it looked like sheep fluff!), plums, yogurt covered raisins, Craisins, and a few candy corn.



Animal Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches (and a fun counting game!)

For last Friday’s lunch (I am OBVI up to date with and on top of all things in my life), I went with a piggy theme. My little one is learning about farm animals and I thought my big one would just appreciate a piggy shaped sandwich (who wouldn’t?).


I made piggy shaped sunbutter and jam sandwiches, and used Food Writers to add details. They are perched upon their crusty hay. I also packed Terra chips, plum, corn, and yogurt covered pretzels.


Part of today’s homeschool assignment for my Bigs was to create a numbers game that he could share with his class tomorrow. We came up with an elephant themed one.


I wrote numbers from 5 – 100 (by denominations of 5) on peanuts. We stapled some elephant cupcake picks to paper bags and cut a hole in one side of the paper bags, so when you lift the elephant flap, you can feed them. The directions are to feed each elephant according to their tastes – one likes only peanuts counting by 5’s (minus those ending in 0’s), and the other by 10’s. The kids are to say the numbers as they pick them up, as well.

So, for tomorrow’s lunch, I went with an elephant theme.


I made an elephant shaped sunbutter and apple jelly sandwich. I outline him just for a little more detail. I also packed cheddar sandwich crackers, colby jack cheese, corn, plum, and a Little Debbie Star Crunch.


Sunbutter Triangles Kindergarten School Lunch


For tomorrow’s lunch, I packed a sunbutter and strawberry jam sandwich, cut into triangles. I also packed colby jack cheese, a plum (my Bigs’ favorite!) and a cut up Star Crunch (also a childhood favorite of mine!!).

Happy Thursday!


Monster Sandwich Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


I love these little guys! These monster sandwiches came out great (in my humblest of opinions, of course). I made crustless sunbutter and apple butter sandwiches and cut them almost in half, but in a funky shape. I added googly eyes, of course. I stuck them on with extra apple butter. They look extra googly because of that. Sort of works on a monster. I made funky hair out of huge grapes (Smalls’ have been cut in half) on mini skewers. I also packed colby jack cheese (Bigs), carrot sticks (I’m positive Bigs will fight me on this and they’ll come home uneaten, but hope springs eternal!), broccoli (Smalls), dried cranberries, and a Trader Joe’s mini pumpkin pie for dessert.

Today was much better, if you can’t already tell.
