New Website!

I’ve moved! Not literally. I’m still here. Here, in Sunny Florida, where it’s hotter ‘n the Devil’s armpit.

My site – it’s moved! You can now find me at

Come take a peek! And, while you’re at it, come join me on my Facebook page, too! Maybe it will motivate me to keep up with that, as well! 😀 You can find that at

See you there!


Shark Week Cookie Cake


{I’m still here! I know it’s been 70 days since I last posted (who’s counting?!), but I’m still here. And my little, loyal blog was here, waiting for me, all along. And I hope you were, too. I hope to get back into feeling good, and feeling inspired, and delivering better-than-subpar blog posts and recipes.}

Do YOU know what week it is? SHARK WEEK! We just love Shark Week in our house! My boys just love sharks and we get a kick out of having a whole week devoted to them. I always like to make a fun treat. This year, I made a cookie cake!


It is an enormous chocolate chip cookie, “choc” full of chips.


It is covered in creamy, vanilla frosting ocean water, its frothy waves lapping up to shore, meeting the gold, glittery beach.


Let’s hope that the owner of the surfboard went for a walk! Yikes! Those waters are super shark infested!

Shark Week Cookie Cake

Serves:  A lot of hungry dudes and dudettes

Recipe adapted from: Doughmestic Housewife

1 C softened butter

1 C sugar

1 C brown sugar

2 eggs

1 t baking soda

3 C flour

2 C chocolate chips

Mix the first 5  ingredients. Then add the flour. Fold in the chocolate chips. Press into a greased cookie/pizza pan. Bake 18 – 25m at 350F.


4 C powdered sugar

1 C shortening

4 T milk (plus more, if you need to thin it out)

1 t vanilla extract

Food coloring

Mix together until you have the right consistency (spreadable, not too runny). Split the frosting into two parts. Color half of it blue (I used both green and blue to make a turquoise-y color).

Extra materials:

Graham cracker crumbs

Gold and blue sugar sprinkles

Fish and dolphin sprinkles

gummy sharks

Plastic palm trees, surf board, umbrella

After the cookie caked has been baked and cooled, frost half of it with the white frosting. Cover most of it with the graham cracker crumbs and gold sprinkles. Leave a little bit of white frosting showing, for the waves. Next, add the blue water. Then add the sharks and sea animal sprinkles, blue sugar sprinkles, palm trees, surf board, and umbrella.

And there you go, little surfers!

Hang then! Don’t let the sharks bite you!


Colorful Hot Dog Kindergarten School Lunch


Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you…the hot dog is, in fact, not so colorful. But I thought the lunch was enough to put that in the title. This should be funny to look back upon in five years! 🙂 For tomorrow’s lunch (for my almost six year old [today is the two week countdown!]), I packed a very standard, very un-colorful hot dog, a mandarin orange, green grapes, Cheez-Its, and two Rainbow Chips Deluxe. It’s all a bit processed around here, I’m not even going to argue you on that one. I used a clown cupcake pick to add such much needed color (can you sense my level of facetiousness…it’s a level I on which I operate often) and I called it a day!

You may have noticed (or not, and that’s okay) that I haven’t touched my blog in well over a month. It’s been a busy, busy time – busy with life, busy with migraines, busy with anxiety and depression. I am hoping to put words to all of my feelings on this. I am hoping that someone, somewhere, can empathize with it all, and if not, to at least relate on a level of of simple human-ness.

I’m just thankful for all of you special readers out there, that read my silly blog about sandwiches and basic hot dogs and the occasional commentary on life. I’m grateful for you.


Deli Kindergarten School Lunch


For tomorrow’s lunch (for my big boy), I went with a tried and true theme – deli! I packed a ham and cheese pita, a few pickles, a mandarin orange, some red grapes, a few whole wheat Ritz crackers, and some lemon poppyseed Bundt cake.

Happy Friday Eve!


Funny Bunny Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


For tomorrow’s lunches, I made another bunny themed one. This bunny is sporting a goofy grin and big, silly, pink ears. I also packed red grapes, itty bitty mandarin oranges, corn, goldfish crackers, and half of a Cosmic brownie.

Have a great Wednesday!


Spring Bunny Themed Kindergarten School Lunch

This season of life is so wild! I’m constantly busy. Time is a luxury. A rare gem. And this holiday season has been…what’s that? The holiday season is over? It’s been nonstop busy since the holidays started, that I was unawares they ended. Huh. Well. Spring is almost here. And with Spring, comes renewal and freshness. And time, I hope. Along with clearing of the mind [mine, in particular].

And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

In the spirit of impending, renewing, fresh, time-filled Springtime, I put together a fun bunny lunch for my oldest son!


I made a bunny shaped sunbutter and creamed honey (Trader Joe’s – necessary) sandwich. I also packed pita chips, red grapes, their shriveled cousins, cantaloupe, and a Hostess cupcake.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalms 51:10



Flower Themed Kindergarten School Lunch


My big boy told me that he’s learning about flowers in school right now, so I decided to make him a flower themed lunch! I made a sunbutter and strawberry jam tulip-shaped sandwich. I also packed a teeny mandarin orange, red grapes, some pita chips, and a chocolate crinkle cookie.

Happy Thursday!


Sailboat Themed Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


To reach a port we must set sail –
Sail, not tie at anchor
Sail, not drift.

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Change is so hard. Not for everyone. Some people thrive in change; reach their full potential in it. Not me. I have to force myself to stretch, to grow, to change. And it’s hard. It’s so uncomfortable. It makes me so ridiculously nervous, giving my anxiety a chance to reach its full potential! But, it’s good for me. Growth is good. Necessary. To reach our port, we must set sail.

Even though it’s important that I grow and change, it’s so very comforting to me to know that Jesus does not change. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and will be the same tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).

My precious boys don’t even know the reason I chose these sweet little sailboats for their lunches, but they will enjoy them! I made sailboat shaped PB&J (Smalls) and sunbutter and jam (Bigs) sandwiches. I added details with my new favorite food-safe pens. I also packed baby goldfish crackers, red grapes, a teeny mandarin orange (Bigs), cantaloupe (Smalls), and chocolate crinkle cookies.



HAPPY Friday Lunches

As I sit here, eating store-bought pudding out of the tub and pondering my week, I feel eternally grateful that tomorrow is Friday. It is a day to celebrate. The end of a long, long week.

I am celebrating with pudding (Could I BE any more fun?!). My kids will celebrate with fun lunches.


I made present and ice cream cone shaped sandwiches (sunbutter and jam for Bigs and PB&J for Smalls) and threw a bunch of sprinkles on there, because…sprinkles. In my lunchbox. I used Food Writers to add details. I also packed Cheese-Its, red grapes (a few plums for Smalls), one cinnamon roll Oreo, and a Swedish fish each for dessert.

Party Time! Excellent!

Have a great weekend,


Spring and Summer Themed Lunches

Sunny Florida is living up to its name this week! It’s been gorgeous! We’ve had chilly mornings that burn off into beautiful blue skies with a perfect 70-something degrees. I LOVE Winter, but I think I’m ready for Spring now. There is always something so renewing about this season. I’m ready for renewal.

Here are some fun lunches I made this week, in the spirit of such gorgeous weather:


For my little guy, I made a “bludderfly” shaped peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich (with two little heart shaped sandwiches – had extra bread!). I used Food Writers to add some deatils. I also packed Goldfish crackers, half a Cosmic brownie, and  some red grapes.


And for my big boy, I made a sunbutter and strawberry jam tortilla sandwich (quartered). I also packed a teeny mandarin orange, blueberries, Goldfish crackers, and the other half of the Cosmic brownie.

Have a great week!
