Colorful Hot Dog Kindergarten School Lunch


Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you…the hot dog is, in fact, not so colorful. But I thought the lunch was enough to put that in the title. This should be funny to look back upon in five years! 🙂 For tomorrow’s lunch (for my almost six year old [today is the two week countdown!]), I packed a very standard, very un-colorful hot dog, a mandarin orange, green grapes, Cheez-Its, and two Rainbow Chips Deluxe. It’s all a bit processed around here, I’m not even going to argue you on that one. I used a clown cupcake pick to add such much needed color (can you sense my level of facetiousness…it’s a level I on which I operate often) and I called it a day!

You may have noticed (or not, and that’s okay) that I haven’t touched my blog in well over a month. It’s been a busy, busy time – busy with life, busy with migraines, busy with anxiety and depression. I am hoping to put words to all of my feelings on this. I am hoping that someone, somewhere, can empathize with it all, and if not, to at least relate on a level of of simple human-ness.

I’m just thankful for all of you special readers out there, that read my silly blog about sandwiches and basic hot dogs and the occasional commentary on life. I’m grateful for you.


Deli Kindergarten School Lunch


For tomorrow’s lunch (for my big boy), I went with a tried and true theme – deli! I packed a ham and cheese pita, a few pickles, a mandarin orange, some red grapes, a few whole wheat Ritz crackers, and some lemon poppyseed Bundt cake.

Happy Friday Eve!


Funny Bunny Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


For tomorrow’s lunches, I made another bunny themed one. This bunny is sporting a goofy grin and big, silly, pink ears. I also packed red grapes, itty bitty mandarin oranges, corn, goldfish crackers, and half of a Cosmic brownie.

Have a great Wednesday!


Flower Themed Kindergarten School Lunch


My big boy told me that he’s learning about flowers in school right now, so I decided to make him a flower themed lunch! I made a sunbutter and strawberry jam tulip-shaped sandwich. I also packed a teeny mandarin orange, red grapes, some pita chips, and a chocolate crinkle cookie.

Happy Thursday!


Sailboat Themed Kindergarten & 3’s School Lunches


To reach a port we must set sail –
Sail, not tie at anchor
Sail, not drift.

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Change is so hard. Not for everyone. Some people thrive in change; reach their full potential in it. Not me. I have to force myself to stretch, to grow, to change. And it’s hard. It’s so uncomfortable. It makes me so ridiculously nervous, giving my anxiety a chance to reach its full potential! But, it’s good for me. Growth is good. Necessary. To reach our port, we must set sail.

Even though it’s important that I grow and change, it’s so very comforting to me to know that Jesus does not change. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and will be the same tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).

My precious boys don’t even know the reason I chose these sweet little sailboats for their lunches, but they will enjoy them! I made sailboat shaped PB&J (Smalls) and sunbutter and jam (Bigs) sandwiches. I added details with my new favorite food-safe pens. I also packed baby goldfish crackers, red grapes, a teeny mandarin orange (Bigs), cantaloupe (Smalls), and chocolate crinkle cookies.



Spring and Summer Themed Lunches

Sunny Florida is living up to its name this week! It’s been gorgeous! We’ve had chilly mornings that burn off into beautiful blue skies with a perfect 70-something degrees. I LOVE Winter, but I think I’m ready for Spring now. There is always something so renewing about this season. I’m ready for renewal.

Here are some fun lunches I made this week, in the spirit of such gorgeous weather:


For my little guy, I made a “bludderfly” shaped peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich (with two little heart shaped sandwiches – had extra bread!). I used Food Writers to add some deatils. I also packed Goldfish crackers, half a Cosmic brownie, and  some red grapes.


And for my big boy, I made a sunbutter and strawberry jam tortilla sandwich (quartered). I also packed a teeny mandarin orange, blueberries, Goldfish crackers, and the other half of the Cosmic brownie.

Have a great week!


Love Themed Kindergarten School Lunch


I get headaches. Quite often. And migraines. And they can be debilitating. I get nauseous. I can’t eat. I can’t do much of anything. Any noise is too loud; I can literally feel each noise throbbing in my head, neck, and shoulders. Being in pitch black is still too bright. I am working with a Neurologist to get them under control, but it’s a long process, of trial and error. For people who don’t get them, it’s really hard to understand their magnitude, much like anxiety and depression, of which I also suffer.

[I’m a bag of fun 😀 ]

So, when I have a good day, I am SO very thankful. For the little things, things that I shy away from, on a bad day – the beautiful warming sunshine, the gentle breeze, the [loud] sounds of my boys. I relish in my energy, baking cookies, painting my boys’ bathroom, cleaning the house, running errands. I am grateful. Today, I am grateful. I know that ALL of this is in God’s plan, even if I don’t understand why. I don’t believe that God gives us only what we can handle; God gives us what He gives us, and then we lean on Him.

Day by day. Sometimes, minute by minute.

For tomorrow’s lunch, I packed a cream cheese and raspberry jam heart-shaped sandwich, pita chips, dried cranberries, mandarin oranges, blueberries, and a homemade gluten free chocolate brownie cookie. Love themed. Because I am thankful.



Pancake Brunch Kindergarten School Lunch


For today’s lunch, I made a chocolate chip pancake sandwich (with sunbutter and raspberry jam). I also packed a mandarin orange, pineapple, dried fruit (dried coconut, dried ginger, dried dates, raisins, dried cranberries), and one gold chocolate coin.

Happy Brunch!


Lunch Catch Up

Well, oopsie poopsie, I haven’t posted lunches in….um, a while! During Christmas break, we were so busy doing fun activities, okay, surviving, we didn’t so much do fun lunches. We ate. Square sandwiches. But, now I’m back.

So here are two fun lunches I did (amongst MANY others, I can assure you 😉 ).


I packed pizza, chips, oranges, grapes, blueberries (for Bigs), and frosted brownies for dessert. These are all things I’d like to have at a slumber party. Wouldn’t you?

For the brownies, I used this recipe:


And for Bigs’ lunch tomorrow, I went with a deli(ish) theme. I made a sunbutter & jam sandwich. I also packed Cheez-Its, pickles, a mandarin orange, a gingerbread muffin, and a chocolate coin. I’ve never actually had any of this at a deli, but whatever.



Ornament Themed Kindergarten School Lunch


I only have one more special school lunch to make for this year, after today. I don’t even know where the time has gone!

**Red Dye #40 alert…below**

For tomorrow’s lunch, I made an ornament shaped sunbutter and apple butter sandwich. I used lots of colors to make it festive. I also packed pita chips, red grapes, colby jack cheese, a mandarin orange, and two little peppermint meringues that I made yesterday.
